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ISTE Standards: Administrators vs. Coaches

Writer: mmtyson18mmtyson18

Updated: Aug 24, 2020

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) tackles the standards for the digital skills that are not necessarily, if ever, formally tested or taught in the classroom. As technology is advancing and continuing to evolve into our society and work its way into the educational realm, it's only fitting that standards were created for these skills. Everyone from student to administrator plays a crucial role in learning these standards.

As educators, we're responsible for preparing our students for the next academic year as well as life. These standards are a valuable resource for any student, educator, coach, or administrator in the digital age. These standards can successfully be worked into any lesson being taught in the classroom. Digital skills are valuable for students (or anyone) not only in the classroom, but also as a life tool.

Two people who can really assist in getting these standards are Coaches and Administrators. These two roles are both leaders in getting these standards across. While standards for these two roles are similar, they're also very different. Coaches assist teachers in being able to teach these digital skills to their students, while Administrators make the best space possible for everyone and everything to work smoothly together.


  • Subcategories of standards are either the same or relatively close

  • Clean, organized, and easy to read

  • Each subcategory has an explanation of what the overarching standard represents

  • Guidelines to follow when working with technology


  • One for Coaches, one for Administrators (as well as Students and Educators)

  • Coaches have more standards than Administrators

  • Written specifically for each title

  • One is geared more toward professional development


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